The Sun also Rises.


【中国】ニューヨーク・タイムズ紙 失速した中国経済をDomestic W.T.Oで復活へ

The New York Timesになかなか興味深い中国経済の分析がありました。失速した中国経済を再び回復させるには「Domestic W.T.O」に参加しないといけないとEUの中国商工会議所の会頭であるJörg Wuttke氏が分析しています。その分析によれば、中国がW.T.Oに加入したことで3%の成長率から15%の成長率を達成したように、中国国内の各省に設けられた規制(中国国内は省が国家のような位置づけで省によって「関税障壁」がある)を撤廃することで中国の国内経済が飛躍的に成長するだろうとのこと。



Q. and A.: Jörg Wuttke on the Future of China’s Economy

 NYTの記者の質問にJörg Wuttke氏が答える形。


In the paper the chamber talks of a “domestic W.T.O.” Why did you choose this phrase?


I chose that parallel because I think China entered the W.T.O. with great difficulty. There was big political resistance. It was very difficult to convince the country it could win and that the West would not take over.

And then, the economy was far more successful after reducing trade barriers got China connected with the world, and it went from 3 percent of global market share to 15 in no time. So the phrase “domestic W.T.O.” again points to resistance, difficulty, reform. It takes political guts to break down barriers.

China is not a country to me, it’s like a continent, with member states. One province protects itself against the others and subsidizes its local champions, and so forth. There would be so much more domestic G.D.P. power in this country if they would knock down these barriers and prevent provinces from protecting local champions. The W.T.O. was exactly this process, and China benefited greatly. So why not do the same for domestic industry?

